Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rejuvinated me....

I haven't posted for a long time. Truely speaking didnot get any ideas worth writing about. On a more honest note it was also partially due to some sort of complex. It was a complex of not considering my writing skills as good as of those few authors whose blogs I came across recently. It was a complex of considering myself an amaturish writer as compared to others. But today as I am standing on the street (!!! understandable as I am blogging using my new toy) and as the cool breeze of December is blowing across my face some blocks in my mind are vanishing. Some doors are unlocking.....

I am thinking why should I stop writing? The reason why I had started posting was not for anyone else. It was supposed to be a pure exercise for myself.. For my mind... The day when I started posting, I had decided that this was supposed to be a tool for me to talk to my inner voice. Then why this comparision should arise in first place. This is not supposed to be any sort of competition. If it is competition then it's only a matter of competing with myself. It's a competetion with my self-beliefs about myself. It's a matter of judging whether I really know myself as good as I thought so. I have always heard people saying that the way five fingures in your hand are not alike... In the same way no two persons can be similar. A strength of one can be a weakness of other... Similarly it would be fair to say as of now I am a smaller fingure as far as writing is concerned and I should move on with out bothering much about the same.... And Its certain that this writing skill will also improve after my regular blogging ...

So here I am with a rejuvinated enthusiasam to blog... To know muself and as they used ti say in a well known TV series ' To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before!!'. So my one and a half followers watch out Here I go again !!!!!!!

(Forgive the spell errors as spell chk nt activated)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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